Mind-Body-Energy Medicine

Integrating the physical, emotional, and energetic for health and wellness

I’m so glad you are here. 

Because you’re ready.

Deep down, you know you’re far more than your diagnosis. Many clients come seeking help for their illness – Lyme disease and other infections, autoimmune conditions, and pain syndromes. Your symptoms don’t define who you are. Perhaps you’ve tried an allopathic or therapeutic approach, and it’s given you some relief, but it doesn’t last.

That’s because the cause of your symptoms is still there. You’ve treated your branches, but not your roots.  

 As above, so below.
When we only focus on our branches, we never realize how majestic we truly are. So often, the beauty we seek in our leaves is actually found in our roots.

You’re ready to make a shift.

Let’s partner.

Whether you’d like to move beyond a physical illness or challenge, or let go of emotional impediments (or both!), we’ve got you covered. Working with your body’s energy, and your emotional awareness, you can release and resolve: 

Acute/chronic illness & symptoms, toxicity burden

Tick-borne disease & other opportunistic infections 

Autoimmune conditions

Pain syndromes, chronic & mystery symptoms 

Stress, anxiety & depression

People-pleasing, empathic sensitivity

Emotional overwhelm

Boundary issues in relationships

Mental perseveration

Lack of grounding and ability to let go

Disembodiment & held trauma

Give yourself the opportunity to move through and beyond, to: 

consciously discover more about yourself

anchor into your innate ability to heal, evolve, shift and grow

I’m delighted to be part of your journey.

  My holistic approach and chosen modalities support you in your journey to physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. Together, we dive deep into your mind, body, and spirit to support you as you restore your health and wellness. 

Video answers to most commonly asked questions


Your energy is the blueprint that shows us your leaves, your root and everything in between. The tools we use together will evolve your energy so you can shift, heal, and restore balance.