Common Emotional Shifts That Help Clients Heal

Learn about ways you can shift emotional patterns to support your healing

Written by: Ellen Donaldson

I talk all the time about my 3 anchoring principles for achieving health and wellness.

Truth be told, there’s lots of different ways to detox, and gut health and immunity has a fair number of detail oriented to-do’s as well. But it’s all doable!

You know what? Your emotions and story can color and impact your healing process too. And, those energies can be consciously released without fuss or fanfare! As a result, your body benefits from the space created within you. 

Mind-Body-Energy connection in action! 

Emotional Shifts Create Space for Healing

What do I mean by emotions and story, you ask? You’re the product of your experience – the good times, the bad times and everything in between. How you hold those experiences, how they affect behaviors, mindset and attitude can have a big impact on health. In other words, emotions matter too!

I want to share my perspective on some common patterns I see in my practice, and how energy clearing has supported clients in their process of release and evolution. Here we go!

Healing Trauma and Old Wounds

This one is pretty obvious, no? In Bessel Van Der Kolk’s words, “The Body Keeps the Score”. Unprocessed trauma is held in the body, impacting homeostasis and balance. As clients choose to heal their trauma stories through appropriate therapeutic approaches, energy clearing releases the ‘charge’ around the trauma gently and iteratively and the trauma story resolves more quickly and permanently. Then, the body has space to heal too.

In my practice, the details of the trauma aren’t the focus of the release work. Rewiring the energy body so that it releases the vigilance and constant scanning that trauma generates is where we focus our work.  The result is embodiment, containment and grounded awareness. That’s where clients find their empowerment and authority to heal and live authentically!

Reducing Stress & Anxiety

Yep, we all know stress is a part of everyday life. Eustress challenges us to grow, to make changes that may give us butterflies in the stomach but provide momentum forward. In other words, it’s good stress!

But the toxic stress of, for example, caring for an ailing parent without help from siblings, trying to do and be ‘it all’, or never letting yourself switch off is detrimental, especially when you’re trying to heal from an illness or chronic condition.

When you can cultivate a sense of calm, presence, and emotional flexibility to manage things as they come up, it’s a game-changer. Through energy regulation and clearing, you can move out of rigidity, anxiety, fear, and ‘what if??’ and are able to let go. Ahhhh…….!

Balancing The Head and Heart

Overthinking things, negative self-talk, living through lists of to-do’s, replaying scenarios over and over – we’ve all done it! But always being ‘all up in the head’ limits your ability to connect with your needs, your compassion for yourself, the need for rest, and can prevent you from acknowledging and validating your emotions.

It’s supportive to healing to learn how to move out of mental spin, into a state of balance between the head and the heart. How can you do that? Energy regulation and clearing. Shifting the pattern of your sixth chakra from constantly driving the bus and inviting your heart chakra to enjoy equal footing.

Holding Appropriate Boundaries

Life isn’t life without connection, intimacy, love and feeling seen and valued. Yet, you may find yourself compromising your needs to prioritize someone else’s. Done repeatedly, your needs go unmet, resentment builds, and your relationships can take on a toxic quality.

This pattern is insidious for a whole host of reasons. Emotions that arise from unmet needs are repressed into the body impacting symptoms and imbalance. Emotions belonging to others rather than experiencing your authentic emotions hijack your perspective and awareness.  

You can find your freedom by learning to energetically set and hold appropriate boundaries with others. You can say no when you mean no and yes when you mean yes. You can choose to meet your needs rather than always making someone else happy. When that happens, health and wellness inevitably follow!

Shifts Lead to Evolution

Evolving these patterns takes choosing to change as well as clearing the energy behind the pattern. Energy clearing doesn’t have to be painful or take forever. It’s thrilling and inspiring to watch clients choose to heal and embrace themselves as whole beings. I salute them!

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