Making Space for Change

Tend your inner garden and create space for evolution!

Written by: Ellen Donaldson

The garden gets a revamp

Many of you know I’m a passionate gardener. When I first started gardening, I bought what I liked and planted it in the ground wherever there was space! The result? My garden was a smorgasbord of plants, textures, colors and styles.

At first, I loved it that way. I was awash in my excitement of being able to get my hands in my own dirt patch. Learning about all the different plants was thrilling!

After a while, I began to see the discord and disorganization (the mess!) and became dissatisfied with how the garden looked. It lacked the balance and cohesion I wanted. 

I learned to take a step back and decide what plants to remove in order to have the color scheme I wanted, the character, and blooms across the season.  

Change starts with making space

I often sat with empty space, letting it simmer while I waited for ideas to come forward about how to shape the area. 

Letting go of ‘I like it therefore I plant it’ allowed me to make space for the evolution of a more cohesive garden that utilizes a core set of plants, and applies rhythm and repetition as its foundation. 

Making space allowed my garden ideas to flourish.

Why am I sharing this story with you? Because the exact same thing can be said for using energy clearing to make space for greater wellness and evolution of self.

Energy clearing allows space to emerge organically

Clients come to energy work because they’re ready for a change. The heart of their goals often revolves around resolving relationship challenges, reducing emotional reactivity, and letting go of ineffective behaviors and responses. 

Some clients have a chronic illness that inhibits their ability to live fully. They recognize that their emotional awareness needs as much attention as their physical body to support wholeness and wellness.  

You may be clear on your issues and what things you want to change. Yet you may not be clear on exactly how you want things to look in the future.

Starleaf Wellness believes that the process of making real, lasting change is most efficiently and sustainably achieved with energy clearing.  Energy clearing makes space for change to emerge. Changes can happen without efforting, willing, gritting your teeth and powering through. 

Recognize the “you” you are now is not the “you” of years past. You are not bound by your old stories about who you are or what you want. Habits that once served you may no longer work for you. Give yourself permission to evolve.

Source: Susan David, PhD

I would suggest that you give yourself permission and space to evolve!

Out with the old

Letting go old ways of being, ineffective emotions, patterns, and stories can be accomplished with energy clearing. The energy of your old stories drives current emotional experience. Release the energy, evolve the experience!

Energy clearing is a gentle, iterative way to tend your inner garden and make space for change. 

Learning to work with your own energy body empowers you with a set of life-long tools and resources, available to you whenever you’re ready to make a change.

In with the new

I didn’t revamp my garden overnight, nor will you be different instantly. Change happens gradually, incrementally – as you let go of this, you invite that, whatever it may be. That’s a pretty nice way to invite evolution and change!!

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